Monday, February 16, 2009


Everything is slowly coming together for me, Im trying to find my independent self. Not rely on nobody but myself and no one else. But, that doesnt mean im going to shut everyone out of my life.Its a phase where im seeing what is really worth going through and what is not. This may not make complete sense, but in a way it does to me. My sister told me there is only going to be one friend that is a real bestfriend and that is Monica. As much as it doesnt seem like it, me and monica are closer than you think we are. We dont hang out often,but we are the same kids we were when we met. Which makes our friendship that much more unique. Im tired of being sad, I want to be Happy all over again and not worry about anything anymore. Thats probably the hardest thing for me to do. Cause its not lke I put it upon myself but it just comes.For now, im going to stop worrying. Im done. & I dont have a crush no more. I think im seriously done this time, Ive realized I've wasted my time. For a second,I thought I liked someone but Im kinda confused about it. I dont know, I think im just weird.

Enough of that, so on Valentines Day. I went to Monicas 17th Birthday/Valentines Day Party. It was pretty awkward since it was hella juniors and like 6 sophmores. I spent my time with Aeriel & Trixy then with Jackie,Rodney, and Ryan. I looked cute. Yes, I know conceited. Then my sister came swooped me up and took me to Kerks house. Chilled with Kerks,Krispin,Charles,Kao, & Leevan it was pretty fun. And the food was just YUMMM =). I was a complete fatty. I love being there its just (in Kerks words) "Chill."

Yesterday was a bunch of nothing but Phone & homework. Today. I had basketball from 12-1pm. It was good stress reliever, came home showered and talked to Monica. I took a Nap and then invited Monica over we got some Cris Crox Fries from Red Onion and ate. My sister, Monica and I all played a round of life. Monica who ws in debt ended up winning with 600,000 dollars. Geeze, And Gaby had negative $$$ haha. After Monica and I played Guitar Hero and then Road Rage I won. Yay =) We watched Secret Life of The American Teenager and had gaby bring us candy. We ate alot of junk food. haha. not good for my tummy. She left. I had a good day with her, nice catching up.

Tomorrow im going to the City with my Cousin. =) Finally getting my Haircut.

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